Episode 146 – Archive Edition

The Michael’s record a brand new episode after the last attempt had major sound and recording issues (and no, Michael R. didn’t forget to hit record). We have fun going back over a few stories that are a week or so old, but are still more relevant than not. We talk about autonomous cars and traffic jams, hash jackers, Apple’s cleaning of the app store, BB-8 Bands, and cool trips Drone courses. Show Links: Autonomous cars completely eliminate traffic jams Hashtags are worthless Apple Cleans House! Sphero’s BB-8 Band Real-Life Tron course for you Drone Obligatory iOS10 reference Games we … Continue reading

Episode 66 – Hash Tags

We being our show with the two Michaels, but are quickly joined by Sandy to kick off our discussion of Tiny Death Star (a game we’ve been looking forward to for a few weeks). We also do a quick shout out to JetBlue on their quickly uptake on our prior episode ideas on new things to do during take off and landing. We then do a quick review of movies we’ve seen and are looking forward to. Sandy provides a quick update on the CAVE status from Villanova and wonders how many of us know what CAVE actually stand for? … Continue reading