Episode 336 — Pancaking Robots

robot talking about pancakes

cargo ship canal drifting, drones that crash & get crashed into, co-designing rooms with Pancake, NFTs and the quantum tick tocks of clocks. Continue reading

Episode 240 — Game of Life

game board with playing pieces

Gamification of drivers for ride sharing apps, AR and AI in the car, the pool and in deepfake-generated art. Continue reading

Episode 178 – L33T Learning Siri

  Just say no to enabling autonomous bots & drones with the ability to apply lethal force.  Following on last week’s episode 177, Michael & Michael start off with a continuation of the discussion on the Pandora’s Box of armed robots. Moving on to a happier topic, while still staying on the machine learning concept, the pair talks about how Siri and other voice interactive systems have been improved with deep learning.  Not just recorded scripts, but actual intelligence, and more natural interaction is apparent when you listen to how far things have come since the earliest days of Siri … Continue reading