e400 — Quadringenti

Dungeons and Dragons Basic Set color box

#AI to chat with yourself or a Furby, @Microsoft’s #ChatGPT investment, #AR pong, @BMW #metaverse mode Neue Klasse with Arnold, Minecraft controller & #OpenDnD OGL 1.1 Continue reading

Episode 340 – Tiny Grand Ideas

tiny airplane

Tiny tech, form of Atari 2600, Game Boy, Amazon Astro robot & phones, responsible metaverse construction, so much good tv, and amazing LEGO sets Continue reading

Episode 320 — Artificial Oblique Hums

Berlin city street

Space, the current frontier, AirTags, AI convolutional networks improving game photorealism, explosive hypersonic propulsion, the Infinite Improbability Drive and a bevy of games. Continue reading

Episode 96 – The Professional Line Sitter

The Michael’s are back with a bit gamification for travel, we try and take a different approach then our prior episodes were we talked about how the Airline Industry was gaming boarding, and see if we can setup an on-line auction for improving your seating on the plane. Perhaps we can get a bit of advice from Zaboo and his seat saving network idea (see “The Guild” season 5). How can you make this game work for both the passenger and the airlines? When at restaurants can we figure out a way to swap locations in line? Can the Restaurant … Continue reading