Episode 286 — Tiny Tech

Boggle board

Mini (Raspberry Pi) iMac, working LEGO NES, transcription services, Boggle-esque randomized security key generation system, a “galbum” release in Carrboro and WoW animated series Afterlives. Continue reading

Episode 145 – Can you hear me now?

This week we look at how voice technology is improving and enabling new kinds of interactions at work and within games. We look at how microphone technology is impacting the adoption of smaller voice assistants. We explore the accuracy of text transcription verses typing. We think through our own use of voice technology and digital assistants. And we add new features to our website, text-based, thanks to Twitter’s new DM button. We also change our whatcha playing segment to look at what are we exploring. And we end the show with a challenge to our listeners. We’d love to hear … Continue reading