Getting All Emotiv(tional)

Co-Host Michael R here … it seems that things keep conspiring against the cohosts getting together to record a show, so I thought a quick blog post of things going on would be helpful. First – this week both Michaels received their Emotiv Insight headsets. We are both iOS users for our cell phones, so we are in a bit of a quandary. Tan and the team over at Emotiv, had a great Kickstarter that we both supported and this past week the headset arrived. Unfortunately for us both, Apple recently changed their BTLE implementation which broke the iOS app … Continue reading

What’s been going on

There is something about spring that seems to impact our co-hosts getting together.  Between the demands of work schedules, conferences, and holidays with friends and family I would like to apologize for the infrequency of our podcast.  At one point in time we had planned on having a bunch of reserve episodes in backup that we could post, but that is not really fair to you, the listeners.  So for this week, I am going to write a quick post about some interesting things I’ve seen lately. My schedule has been impacted by a bunch of customer visits and conferences … Continue reading

Happy New Year – 2015

Just a quick post to wish all of our listeners a Happy New Year in 2015, and a year full of games, gaming and fun! Happy New Year

Expanding our Format

We are looking to expand the topics for the podcast, and would like your feedback. As a loyal listener, please drop us a note at our email address (or comment on this post, or hit us up on twitter, facebook, or tumblr.) While there are a ton of good tech news podcasts and games podcasts, we are thinking that our love for general tech and games, could be included in this podcast, without requiring a tie to Gamification. What do you think? Are there other topics you’d like us to expand too? We’d value and appretiate your feedback soon so … Continue reading