Episode 224 – Road to Nowhere

After a couple of follow up articles from last week’s show with Michael R & Ian on the Unity & AR headset front, Michael and Michael launch into the world of stationary bikes and how virtual reality is augmenting the exercise experience.  Penn & Teller’s Desert Bus resurfaces after the team talk about a Roller Coaster Tycoon custom build that takes 12 years to ride. The co-hosts take a look at Bjørn Karmann’s intriguing post about #ProjectAlias, a mod that allows users to craft a custom wake-word for their smart speaker using a raspberry pi. Rounding out this week’s episode … Continue reading

Episode 181 – Robotic Rockband

Baby, don’t hurt me.  Or order things on my Amazon Echo when I don’t want them.  Michael and Michael start off this episode talking about the South Park season premiere, which plays a prank on the viewers by the audio dialog of the show launching commands on the viewer’s voice controlled devices (such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home). I for one, welcome our new rockin’ robotic rockband overlords.  And when you watch the video of Nigel Stanford’s Automatica, we think you will too. Michael and Michael wrap up this episode talking about the recently concluded NASA Cassini mission and … Continue reading

Episode 163 – Chat Me Maybe?

Hey! I just met you. And this is cra-zy. Here’s my bot. Chat me maybe. Michael and Michael get together to enjoy some of the material covered in the Feb 22nd edition of the Daily Tech News Show, particularly around text based chat services, and where the medium is going. Michael M dives headfirst down the rabbit hole — imagining how people used to use arcane terminal commands to get things done, when this wasn’t the intent of the story — it is much more around augmenting communication with insight to enhance understanding and using context (location, time, preferences, etc) to … Continue reading