e367 – Pointless Terrifying Tech

swarm, Starling roost at Otmoor UK
Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash


e367: Pointless Terrifying Tech – stories about The Key V2.0, VR ultrasound sensations, swarming drones, fictional user interfaces, EMF Camp, Blade Runner and Diablo Immortal.

Andy and Michael start things off this week with an update to the Stack Overflow April Fools joke made real (The Key) with an RGB LED enabled update.  While Andy and Michael M already have the V1.0 version, Andy is tempted by the lights.  

A story about researchers at Carnegie Mellon who have prototyped a way to let you feel kisses on your lips via a set of ultrasound emitters quickly moves towards feeling spiderwebs instead, which is somewhat less delightful.  

Swarming drones spin off an interesting discussion on the use cases for the technology.  

Andy highlights a web page devoted to FUIs: fictional user interfaces.  Michael R shares how he got to work with one of the designers of the Minority Report interface.  Andy is very excited about the upcoming EMF Camp, where he will get a chance to work with makers and maybe even a FUI or two himself.  

More excitement: a Kickstarter for a role playing game based on Blade Runner is still going on for people who want to join in the fun, and Diablo Immortal is entering open beta on PC.

Ready to buy the updated The Key, try out a FUI or sign up to be the DM for a Blade Runner event?   Let us know over at @gamesatwork_biz

Thanks for listening!  

Selected Article Links

The Overflow: Unlock your full programming potential with The Key V2.0

The Key V2.0

Gizmodo article: VR Researchers Have Basically Figured Out How to Simulate the Feel of Kisses

TechCrunch article: Swarming drones autonomously navigate a dense forest (and chase a human)

Daniel Suarez’s book Kill Decision

Games at Work e250: See Clearly Now (discussion on swarming drones from Nov 2019)

The Verge article: Clippy is in Halo Infinite

Red vs Blue wiki article: Red vs. Blue

Huds and Guis


Goodreads book: Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing

Electromagnetic Field Camp event: Is it Minority Report yet? Preventing Crime with Data and Evidence

Kickstarter project: BLADE RUNNER – The Roleplaying Game

Diablo Immortal

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