e397 — Chatty Bad AI

speech bubble
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Andy, the continuity cohost, is joined this week by Michael R.  After reflecting on the BCS behind the scenes webinar on the podcast, the cohosts get things started with a few games, notably Star Wars Galaxies.  Then, continuing on the ChatGPT theme from last week, Andy introduces an article where the subject is a bot, supported by people, who step in from time to time when the bot needs a little human intervention.  The surprising thing is that the human assistants to the bot started using the language of the bot in their everyday lives.  

In addition to talking about Lensa, the pair also discuss Riffusion, which generates spectrograms from a prompt which may then be played as an audio file.  Super cool – give it a try! 

The New Stack lists the top 5 internet technologies for 2022.  Generative AI, Fediverse, Cloud IDEs (early in the year), Open Metaverse and Decentralized Storage.  Of these topics, the Games At Work team have discussed each at some point this year, with the possible exception of storage.  

Are you a bot?  Have your bots 🤖 drop our bots 🤖 a line at @gamesatwork_biz (our home for now) and let us know! 

Selected Article Links

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT webinar: Behind the scenes at the Games at Work dot Biz podcast (AGM)

I love that is still going.

Star Wars Galaxies emu Dark Rebellion uses integrated D20 systems for ‘complex and immersive adventures’


— Theo Priestley (@tdp) 2022-12-13T23:47:09.900Z

Wikipedia article: Star Wars Galaxies 

Ars Technica article:  Amazon Games branches out, announces it will publish the next Tomb Raider

TechDirt article: Getty Images Watermark Shows Up In Latest Square ‘Final Fantasy’ Game

The Guardian article: Becoming a chatbot: my life as a real estate AI’s human backup

these kids are so used to bots being at the end of the submit button, more so that i was used to experiencing at that age, so i keep that in mind and respond to such reports along the lines of "hey i want to help, but this is not how you talk to people to get it." and they often apologize, genuinely! i get a lot of "i didn't realize this was a person" which is incredibly mature once you get past their original message calling my mom gay because their bot code doesn't work lol 2/5

— jenn schiffer (@jenn) 2022-12-02T20:45:16.757Z

"Out of 100 avatars I generated, 16 were topless, and in another 14 it had put me in extremely skimpy clothes… I have Asian heritage…My white female colleague got significantly fewer sexualized images. Another colleague with Chinese heritage got results similar to mine."

Incredibly important story from Melissa Heikkilä about how the viral AI avatar app Lensa repeatedly undressed her without her consent, and its grotesque fetish for Asian women.


— Karen Hao 郝珂灵 (@karenhao) 2022-12-13T01:10:25.596Z

TechCrunch article: UPDATED: It’s way too easy to trick Lensa AI into making NSFW images



The New Stack article: Top 5 Internet Technologies of 2022

Corel Gallery Clipart Mastodon Bot

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