About Michael Rowe

Michael Rowe is the co-founder and co-host of GamesAtWork.biz. He maintains the website http://www.michaelrowe01.com.

No Show this Week

Unfortunately various things have conspired to impact our ability to put out a show this week. But don’t fear, we are working on some cool things to expand the show. In the mean time, we suggest that you grab a nice beverage of your choice and play a few games!! Let us know what you are playing right now, or what games you think would be great for expanding your skills, brand, or reach! We’ll be back soon!!

Episode 64 – Nimble Games – AKA A tiny show

We do another short show, catching up on Google Glass and the latest game from Nimble BIT Games. Michael M. has decided that 8-bit trains are a great way to understand logistics; while Michael R. enjoys meeting all the google-ites who hung out in Durham last week at the American Tobacco Campus. After last week’s show were we thought how you could use Google Glass for remote learning, Michael R. decides that it is not only possible, but that it makes a lot of sense with how it actually worked. The only disappointment about the Google Event was that he … Continue reading

Episode 63 – The Real Neuromancer

Phaedra is out on a well deserved vacation, and the Michael’s spend time thinking about cyber punk novels and current technology. We fight thru a few audio hiccups, but still come in with some deep thoughts. Hanging out and talking about how William Gibson’s Neuormancer is starting to be a reality with some of today’s tech, including Oculus Rift, Google Glass, and smart phones. But first we have to ask: Can you teach yourself Kung Fu with augmented reality? Are you ready for the Tree house of Horror!!!???!!! Show Links: Michael R’s iPhone5s Love William Gibon’s Neuromancer Game play based … Continue reading

Episode 61 – Future Workplace

Both Michaels listen with rapt attention as Phaedra brings us all up to speed on the Future Workplace 2020 Summit Symposium that she attended this week past week, while teasing two upcoming events: CDC Games for Health and Women Gaming. We then take a quick left turn (that our phones notice due to the new m7 chip) around gaming our health with various sensors and devices. And then spin totally out of control thanks to LinkedIn and it’s game on cheating spouses. We finally get back on track with a bit of tangible play examples based on the TechCrunch example. … Continue reading