Episode 251 — Delivering Maclunkey

fragile small delivery

UPS drone home delivery, MIT’s mini-cheetah robots, Palm OS Graffiti, FreddieMeter, Pac-Man Fever, oh, and #HanShotFirst #Maclunkey Continue reading

Episode 250 — See Clearly Now

double rainbow

Augmented vision via holographic tabletops, drone cameras, blind spot solutions, virtually painting and rumored AR glasses. Oh, and a few stories on EVs, bots and emojis thrown in for good measure. Continue reading

Episode 249 — Oceans of Data

moonrise over ocean on Hatteras Island

Quantified self wearables for the tech-savvy and the pious create oceans of data, coral reef restoration, carrot strengthened concrete, machine learning bots, retro puzzles and games. Continue reading

Episode 248 — Distractions

squirrel in tree

Innovative glassless cocktail packaging, training bots to see through walls, dangerous screens on the battlefield and rocket ride sharing. This episode has it all! Continue reading