Episode 105 – Glad to be of Service

Phaedra and Michael M start off the year talking about InterConnect 2015, where Phaedra will be on the main stage speaking about the power of games.  Continuing on into how the card game for Rejection Therapy operates, a couple of throwback shows from Ross Smith’s experiences with personification of water coolers and buildings at Microsoft and David Szilagy’s & Balás Vedres experiences with Gravitent are recalled. The concept of how brands such as @AmericanAir have a personality based on on the way that people interact with them, or in Ross’ case, how people at Microsoft interacted with a water cooler … Continue reading

Episode 98 – Something Sweet in Your Neighborhood

Episode 98 – Something Sweet in Your Neighborhood: Phaedra and Michael M take you on a fast introduction on the latest Alternate Reality game called Endgame launched this week by author James Frey in conjunction with Google’s Niantic Labs, spin through some thoughts about brand interaction using the example of Krispy Kreme’s marketing game tie in to the 30th Anniversary of the Ghostbusters movie and ending with some tasty teasers for the upcoming Serious Games Showcase and Challenge, where you can see Phaedra as one of the judges this December at the Orlando event.         Selected links … Continue reading

Episode 86 – App Granularity & Gamification

Sandy, Phaedra and Michael R. are traveling, on vacation or otherwise engaged in important work, so Michael M. takes a shot at a solo show to explore some thinking on how a number of major apps are breaking down their function into smaller bite sized bits and deploying them as individual apps. Examples of this are FourSquare, with its Swarm app, Facebook, with the Messenger app, alongside some of the recent acquisitions like Instragam and WhatsApp. Linking to the Gamification theme of this podcast, Michael muses on how this application functionality breakdown allows for smaller component pieces of functionality can … Continue reading

Episode 84 – Engagement through Gamification

Sandy, Phaedra and Michael M. find the uncommon ties, to bring together people, planet & profitabiliy through the engagement power of gamification in this episode. The discussion spans Human Resoures, with Phaedra speaking in Paris this week, to Nike’s gamification ideas from the Harvard Business Review Game Jam, to Tesla’s strategy to deliver an electric car for everyone. The ideas spark and arc between the co-hosts around ways for how individuals can participate economically in the new opportunties that are opening up through the intersecting business models from Solar City, Schneider Electric and Tesla. Ideas on SMS-based gaming and local … Continue reading