Crossy Road for the new AppleTV

with the new AppleTV released on Friday, one of the most exciting games I was looking forward to playing was multiplayer Crossy Road, partially because of my memory of playing competitive Mario Brothers on the Apple ][ and partially because my kids just love playing the game and unlocking new characters.  It was with great anticipation for my kids to get the AppleTV set up — which was very easy to do with the iPhone, as was the installation of the app from the AppleTV store.  What proved to be more challenging was getting the iOS device to be recognized … Continue reading

Getting All Emotiv(tional)

Co-Host Michael R here … it seems that things keep conspiring against the cohosts getting together to record a show, so I thought a quick blog post of things going on would be helpful. First – this week both Michaels received their Emotiv Insight headsets. We are both iOS users for our cell phones, so we are in a bit of a quandary. Tan and the team over at Emotiv, had a great Kickstarter that we both supported and this past week the headset arrived. Unfortunately for us both, Apple recently changed their BTLE implementation which broke the iOS app … Continue reading

What’s been going on

There is something about spring that seems to impact our co-hosts getting together.  Between the demands of work schedules, conferences, and holidays with friends and family I would like to apologize for the infrequency of our podcast.  At one point in time we had planned on having a bunch of reserve episodes in backup that we could post, but that is not really fair to you, the listeners.  So for this week, I am going to write a quick post about some interesting things I’ve seen lately. My schedule has been impacted by a bunch of customer visits and conferences … Continue reading

Happy New Year – 2015

Just a quick post to wish all of our listeners a Happy New Year in 2015, and a year full of games, gaming and fun! Happy New Year