Expanding our Format

We are looking to expand the topics for the podcast, and would like your feedback. As a loyal listener, please drop us a note at our email address (or comment on this post, or hit us up on twitter, facebook, or tumblr.) While there are a ton of good tech news podcasts and games podcasts, we are thinking that our love for general tech and games, could be included in this podcast, without requiring a tie to Gamification. What do you think? Are there other topics you’d like us to expand too? We’d value and appretiate your feedback soon so … Continue reading

A short break

We hope all our listeners and followers are enjoying their year end. We are taking this time to play games, and relax with family and friends. We’ll be recording again on January 3rd… So keep those ideas coming.

Removed the Forums

It is with a sad heart that I removed the forums today. But AFter two weeks of having to remove spam users every day (2-10 each day) and little interaction, I feel that it is best. So please follow us on Twitter at GamesAtWork_Biz. We will look for topic suggestions either there or on Facebook.

You can now find us on Stitcher

Just a quick note to everyone… One of our listeners suggested we try to get on Stitcher as a means for distributing the show, and low and behold! I can now announce that GamesAtWork dot Biz is now available on Stitcher radio! If you’ve not used Stitcher before, you can sample us on their website, or you can download the Stitcher app on your favorite mobile platform. So let us know what you think and thanks for following checking us out. Here you can see it!!