Episode 99 – Free Beer Tomorrow

We celebrate episode 99 with three co-hosts talking about some really cool serious games. An episode so good it is SCAREY!!! Our games cover the gambit of history, geometry, leadership, and DNA. We begin with a game targeting high school students and let them understand what it was like to be a Czech citizen during some very turbulent times. The art style is very film noir. We spend some time on Chocolate Covered Broccoli, and commit a few Word Crimes. We also go back to the idea of, is it right to secretly teach things? Does it have to be a hidden when you teach kids things? Can you teach fluid dynamics with games?

While not quite a review episode, Phaedra takes us through a series of shot outs to a crop of cool, serious, games which are coming down the pipe!

As we come up on Episode 100 next, we want your feedback and ideas, hints, tips, and thoughts!!

Show Links:
Silent Hill 2
Czechoslovakia 38-89
The Prague Spring
Charles University – Prague
DragonBox Elements
The Secret to Chocolate covered Broccoli
Word Crimes Video by Weird Al
Triad Interactive Media’s – Far-Plane
Pee Monkey – Toilet TrainerVideo
Netflix and Chaos Monkey
Episode 29 – Simon Says
Spider Pig Video

Episode 98 – Something Sweet in Your Neighborhood

something sweet

Episode 98 – Something Sweet in Your Neighborhood:

Phaedra and Michael M take you on a fast introduction on the latest Alternate Reality game called Endgame launched this week by author James Frey in conjunction with Google’s Niantic Labs, spin through some thoughts about brand interaction using the example of Krispy Kreme’s marketing game tie in to the 30th Anniversary of the Ghostbusters movie and ending with some tasty teasers for the upcoming Serious Games Showcase and Challenge, where you can see Phaedra as one of the judges this December at the Orlando event.

Capture the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!       Eat the Slimer Doughnut

Selected links
Endgame — http://endgameancienttruth.com
Niantic labs — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niantic_Labs
Ingress — https://www.ingress.com

Krispy Kreme / Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary partnership — http://variety.com/2014/film/news/krispy-kreme-ghostbusters-donuts-1201306918/

Krispy Kreme / Cheerwine partnership — http://uncpressblog.com/2012/08/14/north-carolina-icons-cheerwine-krispy-kreme/

Serious Games Showcase & Challenge — http://sgschallenge.com/wordpress/

Episode 97 – The Laws of Online World Design

Michael and Michael are back this week to talk about how the rules of game design from Raph Koster could be used in order to improve the engagement factor of serious games within a business setting. Are you an explorer, a quester, or a crafter? Do you like to uncover new things? Do you like to understand and follow processes? Do you like to create things? Is this just logical market segmentation, or can you progress a gamificiation platform that progresses from the explorer to the quester to the crafter? Michael R. mentions the hackathon he is working on and how he discovered a new gamification service being made available on the IBM Bluemix platform.

The Michael’s are suggesting that we are planning a local board game night in the Research Triangle Park area

Origin of Friday
* The Goddess Freya
* Fry from Futurama
NC State Fair
State Fair Fried Food
Raph Koster’s Laws
Star Wars Galaxies
NSFW – Quest for Fun
Gamification Services
Neuroshima Hex
WoW’s latest collectable Pet
The Big Squish

Episode 96 – The Professional Line Sitter

The Michael’s are back with a bit gamification for travel, we try and take a different approach then our prior episodes were we talked about how the Airline Industry was gaming boarding, and see if we can setup an on-line auction for improving your seating on the plane. Perhaps we can get a bit of advice from Zaboo and his seat saving network idea (see “The Guild” season 5). How can you make this game work for both the passenger and the airlines? When at restaurants can we figure out a way to swap locations in line? Can the Restaurant get in on the action? We have a few ideas!

We then look at geolocation data, and it may allow a group of travelers, can find new and exciting things to do when in a new location. There are a few new apps in this space to mention on the show.

We then take a deeper look at Kano – A kickstarter project that is now available for regular purchase. It helps gets get started with programming by teaching them python game programming using a very cool Raspberry PI setup. Thank you @epredator for the great blog post.

Show Links:
Prior Travel Gamification Episodes:
Episode 5 – Draw Some Money
Episode 56 – The Shame Game
Episode 65 – Planes, Games, and Automobiles

Other Show Links:
Kano Coding for Kids of All Ages
One Laptop Per Child
Raspberry PI
Handy keyboard of Raspberry PI