Episode 90 – Educ∞ Game

The whole gang miraculously shows up for a end of summer episode. We look at lessons we can learn from drug dealers and how they play the business game. We look at how games can impact a business – like Michael R’s favorite game “Dungeon’s and Dragons.” After a bit of brain storming, based on our favorite GameStorming activities. We also try to figure out how you can segment your brain to address appropriate gaming techniques like two to N dimensional problems. Sandy leverages this idea to help drive the ideas behind the “Educ∞ Game”. Perhaps we can actually drive this “Career Advising Game” across multiple universities to change the way students can identify appropriate classes for their career choice.

Michael M can’t wait for next week’s show to address non-linear processing and murmuration. In the mean time he will recording an interview with the founders of GraviTalent.

Business Lessons from The Sinaloa Drug Cartel
The Ambush At Sheridan Springs
Plague, Inc.
Zombie Game at CDC
Connected Fridge Tumblr (NSFW)
Games we are playing:
Michael M. – Kim Kardashian Game
Sandy K. – Monopoly and Spoons
Michael R. – Clash of Clans

Episode 89 – Augmented Driving

This week, the Michaels focus on how Google’s various properties could all come together for some really cool game play. We also have a surprise at the end of the show! Listen all the way to the end for a surprise.

We discuss the possibilities of what Ingress is really doing as you play. Does the collection of XM change the world? Is there an upcoming cool update to have Ingress and Waze come together? Did you see some cool road-muching during the World Cup? Michael M. tells about the game that was happening in Hungary, while Michael R. did not see any soccer balls to much during the world cup in North Carolina. What is Ingress doing as you play? Michael M. gives a clue based on the amount of battery drainage he is seeing while on a Budapest tram and the amount of data being used. This takes us on a bit of a rant/diversion on data plans.

Jaguar posted a video this week on the Augmented reality, which brings us back to games at work thinking about the overlap between this technology and the cool racing game – Real Racing 3. Is this all bringing us closer to the fully automated driving future? If we get this far, how will security hold up – perhaps the team at the HOPE conference will let us know?

We will have a bit of a break for the next few weeks due to work schedules and travels… However Michael M. commits to providing a show based on interviews with a group of local (Hungary) based game developers.

Drop us your feedback at your favorite GamesAtWork.BIZ site!

Show Links
Ingress on iOS
Jaguar AR Windshield
Real Racing 3
Rinspeed Self Driving Car Vision
Ian’s Choi Video
HOPE X Conference
Monty Python’s Mostly Live
Cool Projection Watch
Girls Make Games Winner
Heart Monitor Bra

Episode 88 – War Games

This week the Michael’s are together again, after a quick holiday break. A fun and exciting show based on a bit of a journey from the Security Now podcast and Steve Gibson’s discussion of the website IP Vikings. We have loads of fun viewing attacking on the internet in real time,while discussing bots, botnets, eliza and personal assistants. We then look at some really cool personal assistant apps, and how you can game your contacts. What games are you playing?

Show links:
Norse Corp
Ip Viking – Real-time Map of Internet Attacks
61% of all Web Traffic is Bots
SunRise Calendar
iOS 8
Phillips Hue
Apple Home Kit
Blue Lights
War Games the movie

Episode 87 – Squeezing out some value

Attempting to get back into a bit of a pattern for recording shows, we return with the Michaels to talk about tech, games and innovation. We go deep on how social networks are being gamed to provide deep data for businesses to sell to you. Is it appropriate for developers to leverage social games to pull data from users for advertising or nefarious purposes? Has Microsoft gotten it write with Cortana? Has FourSquare lost it’s game with Swarm? Do you accept random friend requests in your social checkin applications? Does sharing everything solve the problem? (Are we really that naive to believe it works? Isn’t that what big data is all about?)

Foursquare can uniquely identify you with only four checkins!!!

Google makes glass available in the United Kingdom. How long will you hold out? Does google have the privacy aspect appropriately addressed to expand into Europe? We discuss glass and it’s tie to privacy. Is there a game here?

Home automation has been around for a long time, does Nest and iOS HomeKit change the game? How about tying it to wearables and augmented reality? What does Nest’s data sharing policy mean for Google? Have they gotten it right? We discuss how opt in should be the right way to drive privacy and transparency, is this good enough? Michael tries to drive a “fun” business game for home automation. How about a bidding war that squeezes out some value, if a business can identify your patterns? How much are you worth as a consumer?

We also define a games as something you voluntarily agree to play. We end with a bit of discussion on the games we are currently playing – Michael R. Is playing the Powerpoint game, do you play it???

Show Links:
Family Guy – Quest for Stuff
Simpsons Tapped Out
Outer Limits
Google Privacy Settings
Continuity in OS X and iOS8
Random Mac Address
FourSquare Swarm
Cortana – Microsoft Windows Phone Assistant
Google Glass available in UK
Node Red
Node-Red on Github
Nest shares limited data with Google
Nest buys Dropcam
Alex’s tweet on automobile manufacturers compose sounds

Videos from Innovate “Cool verses Creepy” with @Veronica: