Episode 78 – The Show is Already in Progress

We join the show already in progress as Michael M has finally read Kill Decision and convinces Sandy that she should go read it immediately! This week’s show becomes a bit of a review show including books, movies and games. What is your favorite? What do you think gaming will be called in 10-15 years? Will it still be gaming, will it be work, will it be something else? In the age of free culture, open source, and makers, how do we ensure that we continue to meet the basic needs of the individual to allow for the value creation of open culture?

We then flip over to a discussion of Flappy Bird and how it is the ultimate realization of the one more move game. We also discuss what games are we playing now. Threes, Disco Zoo (continues to feed Michael M’s 8-bit addiction), Real Racing 3, Tiny Tycoons, PvZ, PvZ2, etc. At what point do the games no longer give you enough dopamine to keep playing? We look back fondly at a few games that have slowly fallen off our rotation. We decide to do a bit of a game walk thru of Tiny Tycoon so you all can decide how much fun it is – NOT!!

Show Links:
Daniel Suarez’s Site
Kill Decision – By Daniel Suarez
Ant behavior and pheromones
Influx – By Daniel Suarez
Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products
The Lego Movie
Dan Pink’s = What motivates you
If you build it…Design Thinking
Flappy Bird – Flap
Buffalo Wings
Disco Zoo
Real Racing 3
Tiny Tycoon
Simpsons Tapped Out
Zork Adventures on iPad
Plants verses Zombies
The Roaming Gnome
Clumsy Ninja

Episode 77 – (Hive)Mind Blowing

Phaedra starts off the show and then has to hide from the weather which caused trees to rain down in her yard. The Michaels, together in the same room for the first time in a long time, and with not enough microphones or headphones, get to talk about how Pokemon can be a multiplayer mess, and how hive mind intelligence could be used to improve business outcomes. We also talk a bit about the ant invasion of 2014 and it’s method of using the hive to increase best practices. All these things and more on this week’s show at Games At Work dot Biz!!

Show Links
Twitchplay Pokemon
A New equation for intelligence
Accelerando – by Charles Stross
Kill Decision and Influx by Daniel Suarez
Tiny Tycoons

Episode 76 – Play Games at IBM

This week we get a little peak behind the current of a very popular Alternate Reality Game experience at IBM that Phaedra led at IBM. It was the very first corporate wide ARG played at IBM. The purpose was to introduce IBMers to the next generation of our Social Business Tools. We discuss the value of understanding the audience for your game, and the expected outcomes. We also learn that the player is not always going to play the game you want them to play, but as long as the lesson is learned it is well worth it.

Michael M describes his Oscar worthy performance to engage his team in Budapest in this alternate reality. While Phaedra describes the trials and tribulations of building the story, and navigating the corporate minefield on what is the right story for a business game.

We also that ultimate question – can you make gamify at work with out Badges and Points? List to this week’s episode and find out!!

Show Links:
IBM Social Business
Anthropological Research Study
Hail Poetry!
You Like Me, You Really Like Me!
Lost – reference
Roman Cypher

QR Code

Episode 75 – Citizen Scientists


SenseFly at CES

On this special winter evening episode of GamesAtWork dot Biz, Sandy and Michael R. get together to talk about how Citizen Scientists are changing how data is collected, processed, and how Gaming technology is being leveraged in these crowdsourced scientific endeavors. We think about how citizen scientists are impacting weather forecasting, thanks to WeatherUnderground, Tsunami tracking with Seismic sensors, Extraterrestrial science with Seti@Home, and protein folding with Fold.It. We then focus on the overlap between games and the real world with the upcoming really cool game – ReRoll Game.

This and a whole lot more on this week’s show! Drop us a comment or please rate us on iTunes and post a review. We value your feedback.

Show Links:
The Rise of Citizen Science
Crowdsourcing Seismic
Future Visions – Hawaii School and Seismic Analysis
Quake-Catcher Network
Fold.it – Updated Beta
ReRoll Game – ARG/RPG
Mapping the Grand Canyon in 3D with static Cameras
Drone Regulations Blog
Insect Drones
ReRoll – Uses Drones to Capture the entire world for a New RPG
Carbon Footprint Reduction Game

We value your feedback.