Episode 67 – Free BitCoins!

This week Michael and Michael find a new way to help monazite your game. We discuss the recent plugin for Unity gaming development environment which allows a developer to monazite their app via Bit coin mining! Can this be the way that you actually can monazite the attention economy?

Is it right to do so?

Show Links:
New Plugin Allows Developers to mine bitcoins in app.
Get it here
How much are they worth?
Daily Averages
Transcription of BitCoin episode of Security Now!
Episode 287 – Security Now
Hacking Your Car with Music
One Card to rule them all
Real-time Ray Tracing
Southpark Black Friday Episode
MAVEN Mission

Episode 66 – Hash Tags

We being our show with the two Michaels, but are quickly joined by Sandy to kick off our discussion of Tiny Death Star (a game we’ve been looking forward to for a few weeks). We also do a quick shout out to JetBlue on their quickly uptake on our prior episode ideas on new things to do during take off and landing. We then do a quick review of movies we’ve seen and are looking forward to. Sandy provides a quick update on the CAVE status from Villanova and wonders how many of us know what CAVE actually stand for? Michael R. thinks it means – Collaborative Audiovisual Virtual Environment, Sandy believes it means – Computer Aided Visual Environment, and Michael M has always thought it was Collaborative Audio Visual Environment.

A quick discussion ensues about the news on Instagram’s “hashtags” and if we are seeing a break down on human decency. Do we need to gamify self-monitoring? What level of monitoring and censorship is appropriate for a website? Do we need “likes” and “dislikes”? Can we teach digital citizenship?

What do you think, is it appropriate for public sites to censor or should the community censor itself?

Show Links:
Strangers With Candy
The Croods
Episode VII
Ender’s Game
Instagram’s Hashtags
Present Shock
Accelerando by Charles Stross

Episode 65 – Planes, Games, and Automobiles

We welcome our forth co-host – Sandy Kearney to the show. Sandy comes to use with a background in alternative futures analysis and gaming business, processes, and conferences! Please reach out and welcome Sandy to the show!

While Google purchased Waze earlier this year, it seems that the monetization of Waze is starting to be obvious, as Michael R. observes ads popping up at stop signs and red lights. We all think back to the fun we’ve had on Waze early on where we munched up roads and worked on leaderboards. We also miss the holiday special items to run over while playing Waze. We think that critical mass of Waze usage must have occurred and that most of the roads have been munched. We then riff on the driving experience for a bit, with lots of ideas on how driving habits are changing and what it means for today’s drivers.

As we move up thru the troposphere we jump on planes and enjoy the fact that we can start playing games during takeoff and landing. What games are you going to play or are you just gonna use this time to read your e-books and listen to music? We also try and figure out what kind of games you could make on your mobile device that could leverage this narrow window of take off and landing. Can we start improving the gaming experience by playing against each other while on board? We also figure that gaming the Safety briefing could be gamified for some really cool effects. Which airline will be first to offer a bonus for you if you run their app during take off and landing? What about the luggage game? What about free wifi if you download their app? Come on airlines let’s game this opportunity.

We then go to Infinity and Beyond, as Sandy talks about the movie “Gravity” and how they simulate space walks. Real games at work can help NASA and others learn much quickly – and with tools like the Oculus Rift we can start experiencing much of this at home ourselves. Michael R. get’s his Launch invite. And we all get ready to watch Ender’s Game!

Show Links:
Kids just don’t care – About Cars!
FAA Ruling
Delta already games training
Haptic heart surgery
MAVEN Mission Launch!!!
Ender’s Game!!

We are hard at work & play

Just a quick post. We are hard at work making a few changes to the show, so please be patient.

Oh yeah, and life is getting in the way a lot lately. We’ll be back shortly!