Removed the Forums

It is with a sad heart that I removed the forums today. But AFter two weeks of having to remove spam users every day (2-10 each day) and little interaction, I feel that it is best. So please follow us on Twitter at GamesAtWork_Biz. We will look for topic suggestions either there or on Facebook.

e10 – d20 for critical insight – repost

We got our first listener tweet from @billsweeney on the gamification of hiring, and we ask can a game really help you get a job? Maybe not, but they can help employers learn a better understanding how well you fit with the culture of the company. We also look at how the social app Highlight can help recruiters and recruits connect up better. Can you gamify programming? We think so! So fire up your podcatcher – and come list to this episode.

Games we talk about this week – Not work related:
Hexen II
Diablo 2
Diablo 3
You Don’t Know Jack

Don’t forget about all the ways to reach out to us:

You can now find us on Stitcher

Just a quick note to everyone… One of our listeners suggested we try to get on Stitcher as a means for distributing the show, and low and behold! I can now announce that GamesAtWork dot Biz is now available on Stitcher radio! If you’ve not used Stitcher before, you can sample us on their website, or you can download the Stitcher app on your favorite mobile platform. So let us know what you think and thanks for following checking us out.

Here you can see it!!


Episode 9 – Reality is Broken

Michael and Michael get back together for another exciting episode. This episode we start our periodic review and analysis of the book “Reality is Broken” by Jane McGonigal, PhD. We focus on the first three chapters this episode in order to get us all a good foundation of why we play games, and what value you can get out of them.

We learn that most senior executives are actually playing games at work almost every day! Check it out –

From the book - Reality is Broken

Tell your boss you are emulating your Senior Executives


We also talk about two really cool examples of music, learning and fun:
Bobby McFerrin – World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale
Ben Zander – “Ode to Joy”