Episode 0006 – Hazardous Times Ahead

The guys are all back together for an incredible interview with Chris Hazard from Hazardous Software.  We look into our crystal ball to manipulate time and space in games, being careful not to kill our grandparents at the same time.  Chris helps us all understand the behavior of gamers and how to make our own games more engaging.  We also check out a bit of  ikaruga games too.

Chris also talks about his upcoming session at the East Coast Gamers Conference… Check it out here!

Episode 000005 – Draw Some Money

In a bit of an out of sequence episode Michael and Michael talk about the investment made by Zynga in OMGPop the makers of Draw Something and what the game of it all may be.  Andy is off traveling the world, and hopefully enjoying a much needed rest from technology (as if).  We continue to ask for your feedback on the format of the show, and future topics.  How about an episode on Mobility and gaming?  Or board games?


Zynga Buys OMGPop

Is Google Being Evil?

Episode 00004 – WTF?

Where’s the FUN?!?!? – That’s the question that Michael and Michael ask this week, while Andy is out and about.  We focus on a few game examples including the new Matching game called InstaMatch.  We also look at fun and interesting progress systems, and some not so fun… Spinning beach ball we’re talking to you!

Next episode we are looking forward to talking to one of the Authors of the book “GameStorming

Bonus Links:

Nest thermostat

ePredator’s thermostat stats


Episode 00003 – Where’s the Work in it?

This week we provide some games and talk about the underlying work related benefit.   Andy and Michael R, hold down the show while Michael M is off this week.  We talk about Google’s now defunct image match and how Google wanted to drive better search on their Image search. That became part of the metadata for the images.  We also discuss Michael’s addiction to Tiny Tower and recent news regarding Zynga’s copy cat game.Andy proves Leo Laporte wrong, in that there are many good podcasts for developers including:
The ChangeLog – podcast
This Developer’s Life – Podcast
The Web Ahead – Podcast
FLOSS Weekly – Podcast