Episode 355 — Metaverse Kicks

neon sneaker
Photo by Skyler Smith on Unsplash

Metaverse coworking environments such as @sococo @gather_town @getTeamflow @branch_gg , AR sneaker shopping and lessons to be learned from medieval sleeping practices

All three co-hosts are back in force for this week’s episode, starting off with more metaverse topics than you can shake an AR stick at.  The team starts off this week’s episode with a discussion on recent patents filed by Meta to attract younger users to the platform.  This is followed by Michael, Michael and Andy getting distracted by playing with the Lemverse cowering environment, and remembering prior other examples of virtual coworking environments discussed in Games At Work episodes 165 and 298.  

Continuing on the metaverse theme are two articles shared by Ian Hughes – starting with Raph Koster’s “real metaverse” talk and the NBA’s work to use 100 cameras to embed basketball games in a virtual world to create a full-fledged holographic game experience.  A tweet (with limited explanation) shows a user interacting with a virtual shopping site for sneakers that reminds Michael and Michael of their shopping patent.  

After considering the Sid Meier flight simulation games, the treasure trove of Activision games acquired by Microsoft, and the Mario Odyssey HUD speedrun challenge, the team wraps up this episode with the evolution of sleep, and lessons that can be learned from the pre-industrial revolution era.

What’s keeping you up at night, or at least occupying your time between primo sonno and your second sleep?  Let us know over at @gamesatwork_biz

Thanks for listening!  

Selected Article Links

techdirt article: Patent Applications Hint That Facebook’s VR World Might Just Be Web Mutton Dressed Up As Metaverse Lamb


Lemverse on Github

IMDb listing: WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn

Games At Work episode 165 Virtual Math (with virtual office space Sococo)

Games At Work episode 298 Black Friday & Light Beer





VentureBeat article: Raph Koster’s real talk about a real metaverse

Sportico article: Brooklyn Leaps Into the ‘Netaverse’ With Canon Broadcast Tech

Tag Along Shopping patent

Oura ring

PCGamesN article: Sid Meier’s classic flight simulators are now on Steam


Sid Meier

Mashable article: Microsoft can rescue a historic trove of lost games from Activision’s vault

Kotaku article: Mario Odyssey Speedrunner Completes Absurd, Nearly Unplayable ‘HUD Challenge’

The Atlantic article: Can Medieval Sleeping Habits Fix America’s Insomnia?

Episode 354 – How To Be The Trinity

It’s time for a special guest! Metaverse evangelist and good friend of the show, Ian epredator Hughes joins Andy and Michael R. to get philosophical about the metaverse, and to discuss games (from the very old, to the much more recent).

Follow epredator on Twitter, and via his blog.
Check out his fantastic science fiction novels: Reconfigure and Cont3xt

A shallow, three-sided / triangular prism of glass, in pink light
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

We start out this week, by wondering whether there is one, or, are there many metaverses? epred briefly refers us to The Seven Rules of the Metaverse, to set things straight.

We rewind by 4000 years, to talk about a recently discovered early board game – with no idea how it would have been played – and then, we jump right back up to date, to talk about the huge announcement of Microsoft acquiring Activision Blizzard. What do you think this means for the ecosystem? Tweet us to let us know!

Transitioning over to physical gaming, we change things up by discussing mixed and augmented tabletop gaming experiences. Have you tried any of these?

For the next segment, none of us are able to reliably remember whether the Playdate handheld is available yet. Philip Rosedale apparently isn’t convinced that VR is easy, and recognises the importance of mobile. Also, Roblox finally shared what happened during their big outage last year. Large systems are not easy…

We dive in to the philosophical questions around the metaverse, with two new books, Reality+ by David J Chalmers, and, How to be a God by Professor Richard Bartle. Definitely titles for your reading list!

Finally, we round up with some quick hits on Democracy 4, and a Weird Al Yankovich biopic.

Many thanks again to Ian epredator Hughes for his generous time and contributions to this week’s show.

And please! stop going to see Spider-Man!!!

Selected Article Links

Episode 353 – Apple, Reallly?

Apple Relay, Super Cookies, Steam Decks, and Games – all this, and more!

Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplashed

Hosts Andy P. and Michael R. enjoy a deep dive on these topics and a whole lot more.

We kick off the show with Andy providing an update on his Steam Deck order, which Valve assures us will start shipping late February. Andy has been keeping up with the impressions of the development kits, and we can’t wait for the un-embargoed reviews to come out. More conversations around Steam and gaming.

Next up, we take a good long look at the situation surrounding Apple’s Private Relay privacy feature (is it being blocked, buggy, what do the network operators think about VPNs in general?). Lots to think about here, including some side hits on Pi Hole, user privacy, app data usage, network management, and more. Many questions about the networks / carriers. Some side conversations about mobile package bundles and SMS costs in the US, and also, are Apple being as clever as they say on app privacy? We get close to becoming a security podcast, but jump back just before going over the edge! What do you think is likely to happen in this space?

We turn to talk about the metaverse, and wonder whether the (surprise?) return of Philip Rosedale as an adviser to Linden Lab could see a resurgence for Second Life. Some fun reminiscing about what the team built in Second Life “back in the day”, and how the time for digital twins may finally have come.

The last segment of the show this week talks all about games. Are the big games getting too big, and too long? (both Michael and Andy admit to giving up on a bunch of them!) An esports athlete graduates from digital Formula One to real world Formula 2. Finally, why not enjoy the original Prince of Persia in JavaScript… on an Apple Watch? Let us know if you try it out!

What have you been playing lately? We would love to hear from you, over at @gamesatwork_biz – and, thanks for listening!  

Selected Article Links

Episode 352 — Looking Forward, Looking Back

looking out to the future, using something from the past
Photo by Shane Hauser on Unsplash

Innovations from #CES2022: @BMW iX Flow, tmsuk’s Pedia_Roid, GAF Energy’s Timberline Solar, @owogameofficial OWOGame, @yukaikk AMAGAMI HAM HAM.  multiple retail metaverse examples, @GameStop & @_phzn speech to text wearable.

It’s January 2022, and that means it’s time for CES in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Or kind of.  Or mostly remote.  Well, in any case, there are many interesting consumer technologies showcased at the consumer electronics show.  Michael, Andy and Michael start of with BMW’s E Ink, where the driver can change the exterior color of the iX Flow to any color they desire, as long as it is black.  Or white.  Or a shade in-between.  

Next up is a robot called Pedia_Roid from tmsuk, which is designed to provide a realistic adolescent for training healthcare workers.  Since children can be less predictable than adult patients, this robot can squirm around, change eye and skin color, and otherwise replicate how a frightened child might present in a healthcare setting.  

Another innovation that caught the co-hosts’ attention was GEF Energy’s Timberline Solar.  GEF Energy’s solar shingles can be nailed like ordinary roofing and because of their smaller size can be better leveraged than larger solar panels.  

Next up is OWO’s haptic jacket, which works with games such as Fortnite, League of Legends and more to provide tactile sensations for the in-game experience.  OWO provides a full  sensations library with fast driving, insects, and a series of haptic representations of in-game damage such as punch, dagger and severe abdominal wound.  Ow!

Last up is another robot, this time from Yukai Engineering called AMAGAMI HAM HAM.  This plush robotic nemu nemu cat or dog will gently nibble on your finger in a comforting way.

Switching gears to the metaverse, the cohosts react to the recent stories/buzz around the Walmart experience.  Michael R remembers the Circuit City retail experience in Second Life, and Andy references a Sainsbury’s virtual experience in the 1990s.  Everything old is new again!  

The brick and mortar GameStop company has made an interesting pivot, opening up their own NFT marketplace.  Michael M is intrigued by this move, and can see how a company so attuned to gaming may be the right place to create a marketplace for digital goods.

Wrapping up this episode, Andy shares an intriguing post by Kevin Lewis who has made an AI speech to text wearable to help people understand him better when he is speaking with a mask on.   Kind of subtitles as a wearable.

What’s on your list of cool consumer electronics?  Contemplating opening up your own NFT marketplace?  Let us know over at @gamesatwork_biz

Thanks for listening!  

Selected Article Links

The Verge article: BMW, IBM, Panasonic, and Mercedes to skip planned in-person events at CES 2022 — https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/30/22850502/ces-2022-exhibitors-dropping-bmw-ibm-mercedes 

The Verge article: BMW debuts its new color-changing paint technology at CES: E Ink — https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/5/22867090/bmw-color-changing-paint-electric-car-ces 

BMW iX Flow with E Ink — https://www.bmw.com/en/events/ces2022/ixflow.html 

Input Magazine article: The road to hell is paved with well-intentioned robots — https://www.inputmag.com/tech/ces-2022-tmsuk-pedia-roid-robot-child-healthcare 

tmsuk (maker of the Pedia-Roid, among other robots) — https://www.tmsuk.co.jp/en/ 

The Verge article: The solar roof could finally become a reality thanks to GAF Energy’s nailable solar shingles — https://www.theverge.com/22865603/gaf-energy-timberline-solar-shingle-panel-roof-ul-tesla 

GEF Energy Timberline Solar — https://www.gaf.energy/timberline-solar/ 

Tesla Solar Roof — https://www.tesla.com/solarroof 

OWO — https://owogame.com

OWO Sensations Library — https://owogame.com/sensations/

Yukai Engineering’s AMAGAMI HAM HAM — https://www.ux-xu.com/news/20211230_en 

Liv Heart’s Nemu Nemu plush animals — https://livheart.com/product/series/nemunemu/ 

Gizmodo article: Walmart’s 5-Year-Old Vision for the Metaverse Hasn’t Aged a Day — https://gizmodo.com/walmart-s-5-year-old-vision-for-the-metaverse-hasn-t-ag-1848309854 

Vice article: Company Behind Viral Walmart VR Demo Is ‘Grateful’ for Your Hate — https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxdxp5/company-behind-viral-walmart-vr-demo-is-grateful-for-your-hate 

GameStop NFT Marketplace — https://nft.gamestop.com 

ThinkGeek — https://www.gamestop.com/toys-games/thinkgeek

You Got This — https://yougotthis.io