Episode 176 – I Got Slimed!

Who you gonna call?  Three friends, we hope, to rush over to Madam Tussaud’s Ghostbusters Experience to check out the Void’s “Hyper-Reality” take on your becoming a Ghostbuster, and immersing yourselves in a full body simulation, where you can walk around wherever you wish within the bounds of the simulation.  This is different from the classic VR experiences where you are tethered to a small location by the wire on your Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.  From the YouTube video, this mixed reality experience overlays the special effects of the Ghostbusters world over real world objects, wearing a proton accelerator and headset while interacting on a stage specially built for this experience.  Michael and Michael discovered this while reading up on the new virtual reality Star Wars experience that The Void is working on with Disney.  If the Star Wars version is as good as the Ghostbusters experience, Star Wars fans are going to be in for a treat!  Michael R shared some links related to the Avatar movie, and Disney’s other immersive experience/rides for people to enjoy the Na’vi world.

Selected links 

TechCrunch Article: Crunch Report | Virtual Reality Star Wars Experience Is Coming to Disney Parks — https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/03/crunch-report-virtual-reality-star-wars-experience-is-coming-to-disney-parks/

NY Times Article: Virtual-Reality ‘Star Wars’ Attractions Coming to Disney Malls —  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/03/business/media/virtual-reality-star-wars-attractions-coming-to-disney-malls.html

YouTube Video:  iOS 11 Wingnut AR SURREAL Demo || Apple WWDC 2017 Keynote — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAsxW5YtWrM

YouTube Video:  Behind the Scenes of Pandora – The World of Avatar | Disney’s Animal Kingdom — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URSOqWtLix4

YouTube Video:  [4K] Avatar Land Boat Ride – Na’vi River Journey – Pandora – Animal Kingdom — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FciaHToIQMM

The Void — https://www.thevoid.com

Madam Tusseaud’s Ghostbusters Experience —https://ghostbusters.madametussauds.com

Vimeo Video:  Ghostbusters: Dimension Hyper Reality Experience at Madame Tussauds New York — https://vimeo.com/207167385

TechCrunch Article:  LinkedIn is rolling out a free service to pair users with mentors — https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/03/linkedin-is-rolling-out-a-free-tinder-style-service-to-pair-users-with-mentors/

Seveneves wikipedia article — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seveneves

TechCrunch Article:  These tiny modular ‘microbots’ can change shape to capture single cells — https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/04/tiny-modular-microbots-can-change-shape-to-capture-single-cells/

Episode 175 – Killing the iPhone

Augmented reality and self-driving automobiles.  Two great topics that really get Michael and Michael’s engines revving!  Staring off with the Mashable articles, one of which inspired the episode name with it’s similar name, the pair talk about ways for holographic projection can be used for augmented reality without glasses.  The first example is the Hydrogen phone by the high end video camera manufacturer Red, which projects the holographic image up from the phone.  A second example from the Future Interfaces Group at Carnegie Mellon University is an augmented reality projector that fits into a lightbulb socket and projects down from the ceiling onto a desktop, and sensors connected to the projector allow the user to manipulate the user interface, dock user interfaces onto real objects like computers and books, resize them and much more.  The video above shows what they have accomplished — pretty amazing.  The namesake for this episode deals with more of the glasses-driven approach for how the next generation of augmented reality could replace the iPhone, and while this is plausible, the article does point out that the referenced patent indicates a reliance on a computer (read as a phone) that the glasses connect to.

The automotive section of this episode deals with self driving vehicles, such a the Dutch startup Amber — whose business model focuses on mobility as a service, where transportation is ready for you when you need it to be because of the predictive analytic models and the self driving vehicles optimizing traffic patterns to have a vehicle near you when you need it.  Continuing on the machine learning of fleets of self driving vehicles, the pair discuss an NPR article that focuses Alphabet’s Waymo used a fleet of Googlers driving around on their bicycles to create a model to predict how unpredictable bicyclists behave and better avoid accidents.

Things are about to get amazing.

Selected links 

Mashable article:  The world’s first glasses-free holographic phone is coming, and it’s not from Apple —   http://mashable.com/2017/07/06/red-hydrogen-holographic-phone

Red Hydrogen Phone — http://www.red.com/hydrogen

BGR article: This augmented reality projector just needs a lightbulb socket — http://bgr.com/2017/07/12/augmented-reality-projector/

BGR article: This is how Apple might ‘kill’ the iPhone — http://bgr.com/2017/07/27/iphone-ar-glasses-apple/

Venture Beat article: Amber: The Dutch self-driving startup that could beat Uber, Tesla, and Google to mass market — https://venturebeat.com/2017/07/09/amber-the-dutch-self-driving-startup-that-could-beat-uber-tesla-and-google-to-mass-market/

Amber — https://www.ambermobility.com

Mashable article: BMW and other carmakers team up to take on Waze and Google Maps —  http://mashable.com/2017/07/26/here-connected-car-real-time-traffic-service

NPR article: Bikes May Have To Talk To Self-Driving Cars For Safety’s Sake — http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2017/07/24/537746346/bikes-may-have-to-talk-to-self-driving-cars-for-safetys-sake

Way — https://waymo.com

What are the co-hosts playing these days?

Michael R — Futurama game — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/futurama-worlds-of-tomorrow/id1207472130?mt=8

Michael M — Neko Atsume — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neko_Atsume

Episode 174 – iPhone Launch 2007 Revisited

A quick throwback episode to our co-host Michael Martine interviewing people at the launch of the iPhone back in 2007. At the time we were doing a general tech podcast called Dogear Nation based on tags in the social tagging site Dogear. Great to hear what the big ideas were in the minds of the people in line. Did you pick up your “Jesus phone” back then? Enjoy.

Episode 173 – Babel Fish

Computer to computer communications protocols used to start with a high pitched whine & crackle over a telephone line, using a modem – a modulator / demodulator – to establish a handshake.  Computer to computer interactions are nothing new — but AI to AI interfaces are becoming more and more common.  We discussed some of the ramifications in earlier episodes of the podcast — links below for those — and now we turn to how artificial intelligences create optimized methods of communication between themselves.  Like the Twitch example of two Google Home bots talking with one another, the first few articles tell the story of how Facebook and Google AIs created a new way to communicate more effectively by negotiating with one another.

The Google example for the translation services reminded Michael and Michael of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Babel Fish translation concept of a fish that fits in your ear to automatically translate one language to another.  The Bragi Dash in ear headphones are designed to do just this.  Pretty futuristic stuff.

Riffing on what our friend @epredator tweeted, the team discusses the ramifications of knowing what people are looking at in VR in the YouTube Creator Blog.   And the last item deals with gamification to improve cyber defense.  What would you think could benefit from a blue team vs red team gamified process?

Selected links 

The Atlantic article:  An Artificial Intelligence Developed Its Own Non-Human Language — https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/06/artificial-intelligence-develops-its-own-non-human-language/530436/

Tech Crunch article:  Google’s AI tool seems to have invented its own secret internal language — https://techcrunch.com/2016/11/22/googles-ai-translation-tool-seems-to-have-invented-its-own-secret-internal-language/

The Atlantic article:  What an AI’s Non-Human Language Actually Looks Like — https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/06/what-an-ais-non-human-language-actually-looks-like/530934/

Twitch: C:>Bots Chat — https://www.twitch.tv/seebotschat

Edelweiss Little Singers of Armenia — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JMHXbxZYf4

Wired article:  Bragi’s Fancy New Earbuds Translate for You in Real Time — https://www.wired.com/2017/05/bragis-fancy-new-earbuds-translate-real-time/

Babel Fish, probably the oddest thing in the galaxy — http://hitchhikers.wikia.com/wiki/Babel_Fish

Games At Work Episode 51:  Tea.  Bojangles.  Hot. — https://gamesatwork.biz/2013/06/30/episode-51-tea-bojangles-hot/

Games At Work: Episode 159:  Virtually Secure — https://gamesatwork.biz/2017/01/22/episode-159-virtually-secure/

Games At Work Episode 163:  Chat Me Maybe — https://gamesatwork.biz/2017/02/27/episode-163-chat-me-maybe/

YouTube Creator blog:  Hot and Cold: Heatmaps in VR — https://youtube-creators.googleblog.com/2017/06/hot-and-cold-heatmaps-in-vr.html

Mind over Machines blog: Symphony of Big Data — http://mindovermachines.com/blog/a-symphony-of-big-data/

Security Intelligence:  Game Over: Improving Your Cyber Analyst Workflow Through Gamification — https://securityintelligence.com/game-over-improving-your-cyber-analyst-workflow-through-gamification/

What are the co-hosts playing these days?

Michael R:  TechCrunch article:  SEGA’s new SEGA forever collection brings classic games to mobile for free — https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/21/segas-new-sega-forever-collection-brings-classic-games-to-mobile-for-free/

Michael M:  Yoga Studio — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/yoga-studio/id567767430?mt=8