Episode 118 – Black Hat Car Hacks

This we we celebrate using some to be your eyes, and oh yeah, we talk about the latest car hacks coming out ahead of the black hat conference. We learn, don’t challenge security researchers to step up their game. Ahead of black hat, they prove remove hacks to control your car. Using the vehicle’s telematics modem, or your radio’s Digital Audio Broadcasting signal researchers show that remote access to your car is possible. The Michaels’ cut through some of the FUD and look at what the researchers are more than likely doing. Should you worry? Is there an interesting game here? You tell us!

Show links
Be My Eyes
Hackers Remotely Kill Jeep on a Highway
1.4 million vehicles recalled for bug fix
UK Researchers use Digital Radio Broadcasts to seize control of car
1957 Chevy pictures
Pluto Pictures First Looks
Why does it take so long for New Horizons to send images
Light Sail
Kepler Mission finds new Earth-like planet
The Smallest Kepler discovered planet

Games we are playing
TinyKeep – Michael R.
Crossy Road – Michael M.
Alto’s Adventure – Michael M.

Getting All Emotiv(tional)

Co-Host Michael R here … it seems that things keep conspiring against the cohosts getting together to record a show, so I thought a quick blog post of things going on would be helpful.
Emotiv Insight Box
First – this week both Michaels received their Emotiv Insight headsets. We are both iOS users for our cell phones, so we are in a bit of a quandary. Tan and the team over at Emotiv, had a great Kickstarter that we both supported and this past week the headset arrived. Unfortunately for us both, Apple recently changed their BTLE implementation which broke the iOS app for the headset. At this time they are expecting to be able to ship the iOS app sometime in August.
This got me to thinking… Can I still capture the data on the headset and then upload it to the app in August? I had a very bad set of migraines over the last few days, and it would be amazing if I could see how my brain was behaving during the migraine. To be honest, this is one of the reasons I got the new headset… I want to be able to start quantifying my headaches, and aligning them to the data from the headset.
I was also excited to that a local company had an app for the headset. Neuro+ is a local company that is looking at how ADHD can be addressed in kids. To that end they are using the headset in a new game. I tried to download the game, but was disappointed to learn that I needed to sign up for a monthly service to even try it out. (Yes, they did offer 30 days free trial, but after you put in your credit card, and given the number of security breaches in the news lately, I figured I didn’t want yet another website to have my data).
Have any of our listeners ordered their Emotiv Insight? Do you have the android app? What do you think? We’d love to hear about your experiences.

Episode 117 – Uber Games

On a special Sunday recording of GamesAtWork dot Biz, the Michaels get to talk about various games and technology around transportation. We begin with Michael M’s review of the new Uber Driver recruiting game. Is driver recruitment the only reason it exists? We say no! We spend some time with Hover Bikes and Hover Boards. We look at crowdsourcing your old memories. And finally wrap up with everyone’s favorite section on the games we are playing now.

Show Links
Uber Releases a Mobile Game to Recruit Drivers
Uber drivers are employees
Nokia Here Maps – and why everyone wants to acquire them
Lexus Hoverboard
Mobile App to Uberize and Gamify Memory Preservation

Games we are playing
Michael M
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Quest Keeper

Michael R
Slingshot Braves

Episode 116 – Monster Bash

This week we are especially delighted to have two special guests on the show, Eric Mertens from Galois, Inc.  and Aaron Camerata from voidALPHA to share their insight and experience on the Verigames project with DARPA over that past couple of years.

Aaron does a fantastic job explaining how playing the game Monster Proof helps improve code quality by players playing the game in his recent blog post “Games…for Science!”  http://voidalpha.com/blog/ce6a4/monster-proof—how-it-works .

The concept here is pretty simple — can crowdsourced players playing a game perform formal verification / code testing faster and more cost-effectively than testers following the traditional development testing methodologies?  And if so, can these same kind of constructs and methods allow for code creation to write new code to solve new problems?

Some of the selected links from the discussion on the show
Penn & Teller’s Desert Bus game — http://www.polygon.com/2013/7/10/4510388/why-teller-created-desert-bus-the-worst-video-game-in-history
Desert Bus by Amateur Pixels for iOS — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/desert-bus/id470288016?mt=8
Desert Bus by Amateur Pixels for Android — https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tueidj.DesertBus&hl=en
Iavor Diatchki — https://galois.com/team/iavor-diatchki/
DragonBox algebra learning games — http://dragonboxapp.com
FoldIt — http://fold.it/portal/
Zachtronics —http://www.zachtronics.com
Elevator Saga, the elevator programming game challenge — http://play.elevatorsaga.com
Rosalind platform for learning bioinformatics and programming via problem solving — http://rosalind.info/problems/locations/
Waze — https://www.waze.com
The Curve by Nicholas Lovell — http://www.thecurveonline.com
Attention economy — http://archive.wired.com/wired/archive/5.12/es_attention.html

Games we are playing these days
Eric Mertens — TIS-100 — http://www.zachtronics.com/tis-100/
Aaron Camerata
Slingshot Braves — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/slingshot-braves/id857514427?mt=8 
The Sailor’s Dream — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id895869909
Framed — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/framed/id886565180?mt=8
Magic the Gathering — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic:_The_Gathering
Knights of Pen and Paper — https://www.paradoxplaza.com/knights-of-pen-paper-1-editionMichael R –Hearthstone —  iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hearthstone-heroes-warcraft/id625257520?mt=8 and Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blizzard.wtcg.hearthstone&hl=en
Phaedra B –Grim Fandango — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/grim-fandango-remastered/id978524071?mt=8Michael M
Does not Commute — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/does-not-commute/id971756507?mt=8
Bang! the Wild West card game — http://amzn.com/B001Q4XWB8