e402 — Which ‘verse is worse?

stylized human made up of lights, wearing a VR headset and holding controllers in either hand

#metaverse, #fediverse #IoT dishwashers and #AI #thanosbots. Continue reading

e400 — Quadringenti

Dungeons and Dragons Basic Set color box

#AI to chat with yourself or a Furby, @Microsoft’s #ChatGPT investment, #AR pong, @BMW #metaverse mode Neue Klasse with Arnold, Minecraft controller & #OpenDnD OGL 1.1 Continue reading

e398 — Stable Diffusion Genius

horse in a stable with diffused light

Happy New Year! AI and other engineering advances in ’22 and a look forward to creativity, curiosity and community in 2023. Continue reading

e397 — Chatty Bad AI

speech bubble

Not a bot, but a human augmented bot. Behind the scenes @gamesatwork_biz@botsin.space, people who support chatbots, generative AI for still images & audio and top tech for 2022. Continue reading