Episode 201 – WWDC, AR and AI

This week co-host Michael R. welcomes back long time friend of the show – Andy Piper. Michael shares his excitement and experiences from Apple’s WWDC conference – including all the other conferences that pop up around WWDC. We then dive in work that Porsche is doing leveraging AR. We also talk briefly about Amazon and the AR (audio reality App) that allows you to experience Skyrim on your Alexa. We look at machine learning via an innovative website called Lobe. And then wrap up the show with a look at how AI is leveraging video games to “learn”. Co-host Michael … Continue reading

Episode 198 – Goooooooo eTeam!

Rah, rah, sis, boom, bah! Wizard, Elf, Forward and Halfback We’re the best of the pack. Drink that mana, slice that mob, buff your stats & and win that raid! No better team have you yet played. Our eTeam is better than your eTeam — We’re the best in the galaxy! Goooooooo eTeam! After a flyby (+/- 5 parsecs) of the Star Wars AR Holochess game for your iPhone and the Dent Reality example of using ARKit to enable grocery shoppers the ability to do way finding in the store, identify what would compliment the ingredients already in your cart, … Continue reading

Episode 197 – Looking for AR

Michael and Michael are looking for AR, in all the right places!  The Games at Work team starts  things off right, with a discussion on the final games of the NCAA basketball tournament, and how your best braketology picks can now hover above your screen in augmented reality (example above).  Earlier today, during the Woody Durham Celebration of Life, Michael M spoke with a friend about how technology has enabled the game experience to get better and better over the years, first with radio, then television, then the graphics ribbon to show the score & stats, then to Intel’s current … Continue reading

Episode 192 – PVP-Y

  On a Games at Work busy day — the co-hosts start with follow up to the last two episodes dealing with smart speakers about the new HomePod being released.  While not said on the show, Michael M is looking forward to experiencing the dulcet tones of the Games At Work podcast on his HomePod in just a short few days! Robotics & automation loom large for this episode with many stories converging on the concept of whether automation will be a net job destroyer or creator.  The MIT Technology Review article gives a comprehensive snapshot of a variety of … Continue reading