Episode 313 — Tech Gripes


Cricut’s subscriptions, NASA rover tech for bikes, 2FA, passwords, Apple leaks, iconography & ads, and socially distanced theater Continue reading

Episode 312 — Non-Fungible Token Slugs

sea slug Chromodoris magnifica

chock full of robots, books, movies and non-fungible memories, slugs & tokens. 3D home printing, PalmOS Twitter app, biological regeneration Continue reading

Episode 311 — Mesh Networks

mesh network

NASA chip hardware from 1990s, Microsoft Mesh, electric cars & motors, nature inspired drones, COVID inspired German words, Doom on PlayStation, 20 year old Diablo save games resurrected and much more Continue reading

Episode 307 — Remember What’s Important

Windows Swap Budapest Hungary

Developing community, connecting with people & helping in Elite Dangerous & at work. AI filters and games. Spinach that emails & swapping windows. Continue reading