Episode 218 – Virtually Married

Marrying your best friend, when it is an AI bot, introduces more than one strange thing to your life. So does chatting with the dearly departed. VR/AR/MR stories, ionic drive & more. Continue reading

Episode 217 – Real Magic

Arthur C Clark’s Third Law, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” holds true for the AR magical examples from this week, including a magician using ARkit to perform with an iPad, advance clothing & shoe fitting from MTailor & Fleet Feet, and gamification of election day in the US. Continue reading

Episode 216 – Red Reef Redemption

Photo by Milos Prelevic on Unsplash

VR/AR adoption, New AR glasses from North, projected AR from Lightform, counterfeit detection from Meridiun, coral reef rejuvenation from LarvalBot. Continue reading

Episode 215 – Great Jumpin Robots

From parking tickets to parkour, robots are excelling at anything they put their artificial intelligence to. Continue reading