e368 – Chaos Agent Without Pants


e368: Chaos Agent Without Pants – with special guest @theRab & stories @BostonDynamics Spot, drones, open source trackballs, @LEGO_Group, NFTs and @FlipperZero Continue reading

Episode 362- Haptics & Smell-o-vision

filling vial

#AR #VR #metaverse possible use cases, enhanced by chemical haptics, touch, smell & accelerometers. Corporate metaverse experiments in @TheSandboxGame & Elden Ring trickery. Continue reading

Episode 359 – Speak Friend & Enter

doorway with open door leading to another door

Manifest your reality into the #metaverse via voice with @Meta ’s Builder Bot, stroll down the fashion district in @decentraland ‘s #MVFW, buy @colbertlateshow ’s #NFT, earn in-game money that can be exported in @playhyperspace  Words are powerful, and with Meta’s new “Builder Bot”, you can speak what you want to manifest into your personal virtual world.  This strikes Andy as a starting point that could eventually lead to something like the Star Trek Holodeck.  The co-hosts then also discuss how the artificial intelligence behind the Builder Bot can become more tuned to the user, so that it gets to … Continue reading

Episode 358 – Metaversing

Opus the penguin, holding a tuba mouthpiece

Metaverse as a product? As a place? Or a moment? Life logging & open source software escrow as a means of historical preservation. @onepeloton’s #Lanebreak. And a dose of heavy metal tuba from Deathtöngue’s Bill the Cat & Opus Croakus. Rock on with @andypiper @michaelrowe01 & @carolinabigblue Continue reading