Episode 68 – Hipster CEO

This week’s show include two Michaels and one Phaedra, we miss you Sandy! We also will be taking a week off to spend time with our friends and families, playing games of course! Oh yeah, and it’s Thanksgiving in the United States, so we will also be thankful that we can spend time playing games at work! Thank you to listener Kirk for providing a great link to follow up from last week’s show about bitcoin mining within games. We also thank Apple’s App Store for providing us with another story on apps being pulled from the app store related … Continue reading

Episode 28 – Dating Flashmob

Michael and Phaedra express their love of martial arts, and how they don’t mind deceiving themselves in the least, by gaining cardio exercise benefits while doing something inherently fun.  “Dirt runs faster than I do” says Phaedra, thinking that zombies chasing her would be a great motivator to run even faster!  Talk about living in the undead moment!   Phaedra and Michael talk about a wide variety of alternate reality games (ARGs), from the recently started Google Niantic Project, to the stolen Audi (from 2006 if you can believe that!) to the MIT Game Lab’s Smithsonian game.   Then, the … Continue reading