Episode 82 – Better Than Fridge Magnets

The Michaels welcome Ian Hughes (AKA – ePredator) to the show this week to discuss developing simulation games for hospital emergency staff. Michael M. connects up from his hotel room in Hong Kong (we apologies for his audio quality in advance), we also have Ian Hughes from sunny Basingstoke. Ian has been working on building a hospital simulator on Unity3D using Photon, and discusses with us the technological challenges of dealing with various language implementations. We also discuss the challenges of getting started with coding, given that today people need to do fully understand all aspects of the solution, and … Continue reading

Episode 81 – One Step Beyond

This week the Michael’s talk about a few cool things that they’ve been up to over the last two weeks. Michael M. talks about how augmented reality can be used in the modern manufacturing facility. While Michael R. Talks about augmented reality is being experienced with his new set of Google Glass. And then we take it ONE STEP BEYOND into 3D Printing! Drop us comments on your thoughts on any of our social sites, including this blog! Show Links: Hannover Messe SmartFactoryOWL Cement Pond Training Robots Don’t be a GlassHole Five Days with Glass Glass-Glasses Adapter Filament Mount Printing … Continue reading

Episode 72 – Crowd vs Crowd

Phaedra, Sandy, Michael and Michael are all on deck for this podcast to discuss location based games, review Michael R’s experiences from CES, brainstorm gamifying sports, and much much more. Tune in for some serious discussion on serious games. Location, Location, Location Michael M kicks things off to follow on from last week’s blog post on The Tap Labs’ game Tiny Tycoons. Things get really location specific as Sandy suggests that there should be an emerging new game along the lines of SnapChat called SnapTrack, where location information is shared with friends, but only for a limited time. Given that … Continue reading

Episode 63 – The Real Neuromancer

Phaedra is out on a well deserved vacation, and the Michael’s spend time thinking about cyber punk novels and current technology. We fight thru a few audio hiccups, but still come in with some deep thoughts. Hanging out and talking about how William Gibson’s Neuormancer is starting to be a reality with some of today’s tech, including Oculus Rift, Google Glass, and smart phones. But first we have to ask: Can you teach yourself Kung Fu with augmented reality? Are you ready for the Tree house of Horror!!!???!!! Show Links: Michael R’s iPhone5s Love William Gibon’s Neuromancer Game play based … Continue reading