e412 — 3D or not 3D

3D picture of a book with a silhouette of a face due to the folds of the paper and light shining on it

3D holograms & tv, #VR treadmill, populating a virtual small town with 25 #AI models, self healing code & runways, #ChatGPT #dnd & #jailbreak Continue reading

e411 — PavARotti is my CoPilot

interior of a theater, depth of field image showing red audience chairs

the Finnish National Opera’s #VR digital twin, Yuga Labs’ 2nd trip to the #Otherside, #metaverse jobs, #AI productivity toolchain acceleration with #ChatGPT & #LLM , and the future of human knowledge Continue reading

e410 — Wonder Llama of Days Gone By

profile picture of a llama

#ChatGPT skills enablement via #plugins like #WolframAlpha, scripting #NPCs with generative #AI, #metaverse #marriage #LEGO #DiabloIV #Devo and much more! Continue reading

e408 — Lunar Data Mining

photo of Moon over Hatteras, NC, June 2011

#GenerativeAI #RoomGPT #LoTR #MiniMac #MacOS #SimCity #Skylines #LunarDataCenters #LCARS stories from @nutlope @mergesort@macaw.social @dustin@pdx.social @Lonestar_Space @iconfactory@iconfactory.world Continue reading