Episode 148 – Painting with Digital and Physical Ink

In this episode, Michael and Michael struggle with the pronunciation of the Nissan Qashqai which features prominently as a recently completed work of 3Doodler art — a life sized vehicle that took 800 hours to craft. Moving to the digital realm, they discuss Google’s experiment with digital collaboration called Tilt Brush which allows multiple people to create & paint together in real time. The intersection between the digital and physical realms becomes even more tangible with the hospitality industry adoption of wearable devices to improve customer service, and an interesting sidebar on how blockchain can provide an even deeper engagement … Continue reading

Episode 74 – 4K Gaming

Episode 74, 4K Gaming was recorded on Friday, September 27th, 2013. In this almost-lost episode, Michael M introduces Sandy Kearney as a Game At Work.biz co-host. Since Sandy used the term “HD of Gaming” during the recording of the podcast, it seemed a small editorial liberty to upgrade to 4K. Game on! Sandy’s core work is with e426.org — assisting small businesses, IEEE and universities on the use of emerging and innovative technology. She is also a professor at Villanova University teaching leadership, business and emerging technology. Furthermore, she also teaches emerging technology and runs the emergency planning and professional … Continue reading