e501 — Dumb Users, Smart AI 

sticker reading “Smart Phones | Dumb People!” on an electrical cabinet in the foreground of a street scene

e501 with Michael R and Andy – all about outsourcing intelligence to #AI, protecting your #data after #death, #AR #glasses, #Diablo & #Civ game ports, #backdoors and more! Continue reading

Episode 306 — Weak Ties

AI chatbots to speak with the dead, impact of COVID-19 on weak ties & social serendipity, Minecraft social responsibility, Mayfair Windows sfx, Fitness+ celebrity walks, USPS Star Wars droid stamps, and Babylon 5 remastered Continue reading

Episode 218 – Virtually Married

Marrying your best friend, when it is an AI bot, introduces more than one strange thing to your life. So does chatting with the dearly departed. VR/AR/MR stories, ionic drive & more. Continue reading