e501 — Dumb Users, Smart AI 

sticker reading “Smart Phones | Dumb People!” on an electrical cabinet in the foreground of a street scene

e501 with Michael R and Andy – all about outsourcing intelligence to #AI, protecting your #data after #death, #AR #glasses, #Diablo & #Civ game ports, #backdoors and more! Continue reading

e477 — Build Your Own AI Hardware

A wire crimper, particle IOT device, magnetic reed switch, laptop, and jumper wires at the start of an internet of things connected project

e477 with Michael, Andy and Michael, with quantum mechanics and football offsides calls, compensating creators for GenAI results via ProRata.ai, DoJ findings on Google, Diablo on the web and much more! Continue reading

e409 — Promptly VR

Raspberry Pi circuit board

Spotify’s #WonkaVision #metaverse #AI #GPT #MrsDavis #MicrosoftMesh #SL20B #DiabloIV and much more! Continue reading

Episode 311 — Mesh Networks

mesh network

NASA chip hardware from 1990s, Microsoft Mesh, electric cars & motors, nature inspired drones, COVID inspired German words, Doom on PlayStation, 20 year old Diablo save games resurrected and much more Continue reading