Episode 320 — Artificial Oblique Hums

Berlin city street

Space, the current frontier, AirTags, AI convolutional networks improving game photorealism, explosive hypersonic propulsion, the Infinite Improbability Drive and a bevy of games. Continue reading

Episode 283 — Virtual Cloaks

fashion models

A whirlwind tour of virtual real estate, virtual clothes on real people, faking out facial recognition AI with Fawkes, mmhmm, cat TV and board games. Something for everyone! Continue reading

Episode 268 — Seeing Reality

rain speckled glasses

from face shields to additive & subtractive #AR, physical and virtual location based life blogging, old and new games to play and pets jumping into the scene Continue reading

Episode 267 — Breathe

an international extravaganza of innovative social & physical distancing via VR, AR, video conferencing, virtual pub experiences delivering real beer, games, apps and of course, LEGO. Continue reading