Congratulations to us on hitting the big 5-0-0! The hosts reminisce about past gems and dive into current tech tidbits, from #AI wonders, to #gaming with Mario in (Unreal) 3D. Continue reading →
Andy and Michael dive into advertising, AI, and gaming. They talk about CMG’s creepy ad tactics, disabling smart TV tracking, Midjourney’s new hardware, and the misuse of AI in music. They wrap up with the latest on Star Wars games, D&D, and VR gaming. Continue reading →
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Manifest your reality into the #metaverse via voice with @Meta ’s Builder Bot, stroll down the fashion district in @decentraland ‘s #MVFW, buy @colbertlateshow ’s #NFT, earn in-game money that can be exported in @playhyperspace Words are powerful, and with Meta’s new “Builder Bot”, you can speak what you want to manifest into your personal virtual world. This strikes Andy as a starting point that could eventually lead to something like the Star Trek Holodeck. The co-hosts then also discuss how the artificial intelligence behind the Builder Bot can become more tuned to the user, so that it gets to … Continue reading →