Episode 213 – Solar Heartbeat

Airline passenger VR, solar-powered wearables, Siri shortcuts and Augmentality Labs in Durham. Continue reading

Episode 167 – Robotic Physics

  Michael and Michael start this episode with big robots.  As in extra huge robots.  Like Mecha-sized robots.  The articulation of the robot Jeff Bezos piloted was reminiscent of the one that the character Eileen Ripley piloted in the Aliens movies (see video above).  Michael R was also reminded of the NASA Valkyrie robot, and it’s mission to go to Mars ahead of humans to set up the environment for human habitation.  Walking on two legs, and being roughly human-sized, the form factor is well suited to ensuring that the habitat structure such robots would build would be on the … Continue reading

Episode 109 – Phone Floppers

Michael and Michael get together this week to muse over how students can address college debt via gaming, thanks to a link from co-host Phaedra. We also look at how the Internet Archive is saving games from digital extinction, while reminiscing about some of our favorite old-school games. This brings us to a deeper discussion on how newer games with server components and digital rights management, may be disabling this preservation to continue. We end-up musing about use cases for Apple’s upcoming Watch announcement and how the smart-watch ecosystem may become yet another lock in play for the mobile ecosystem. … Continue reading

Episode 74 – 4K Gaming

Episode 74, 4K Gaming was recorded on Friday, September 27th, 2013. In this almost-lost episode, Michael M introduces Sandy Kearney as a Game At Work.biz co-host. Since Sandy used the term “HD of Gaming” during the recording of the podcast, it seemed a small editorial liberty to upgrade to 4K. Game on! Sandy’s core work is with e426.org — assisting small businesses, IEEE and universities on the use of emerging and innovative technology. She is also a professor at Villanova University teaching leadership, business and emerging technology. Furthermore, she also teaches emerging technology and runs the emergency planning and professional … Continue reading