e492 — Flexi Festivus

LED holiday string lights

e492 with Michael & Michael — #holiday desktop #decorations, #AR, #ImmersiveVideo in sports, user experience and interaction and a whole lot more! Continue reading

e484 — n Card Monty

set of face down playing cards, with the queen of hearts showing

e484 with Andy, Michael and Michael — social and interpersonal evolution from technology advancements, data ownership, North Carolina and global supply chain impacts from hurricane Helene and a whole lot more! Continue reading

e369 — rOS by any other name

rose in a glass jar

check out e369: rOS by any other name – discussion on AR / VR headsets & @Qualcomm’s chipsets, @Zoom #metaverse extension with #Welo, #virtualworldseducation, #GAAD #accessibility for all, & @gocube_official #IoT dice Continue reading

Episode 358 – Metaversing

Opus the penguin, holding a tuba mouthpiece

Metaverse as a product? As a place? Or a moment? Life logging & open source software escrow as a means of historical preservation. @onepeloton’s #Lanebreak. And a dose of heavy metal tuba from Deathtöngue’s Bill the Cat & Opus Croakus. Rock on with @andypiper @michaelrowe01 & @carolinabigblue Continue reading