Episode 255 — It's A Wrap


2019 recap: including stories of bots, drones, droids, AI, AR and Star Wars. It’s been quite a year! Continue reading

Episode 245 — Ayes & Ears

glasses and earbuds

Wearables for your eyes, ears and even your body, powered by AI and machine learning to make fantastic new augmented experiences. Continue reading

Episode 244 — Who’s your secret crush?

neon sign reading "I have a crush on you"

Facebook’s foray into dating, LEGO droid orchestras & Imperial Star Destroyers, Apple’s upcoming event, and a goose on the loose. Something for everyone! Continue reading

Episode 220 – Faces and Places

Privacy implications of facial recognition technology coupled with cloud and machine learning, retro sneakers, futuristic AR glasses and bustin’ ghosts. Continue reading