Episode 71 – Grinding at Work

Episode 71, Grinding at Work was recorded Friday the 3rd of January 2014 — Happy New Year! Phaedra, Michael and Michael start the new year off with a bang, sharing the games that they’ve been playing over the holidays, discussing the Virtuix Omni 360 degree treadmill device, and exploring how grinding gaming experiences may lend themselves to improved customer and employee engagement. A very interesting gamification idea emerges for how Kinect-like devices could provide biofeedback to call center employees to help them stay “in the zone” and be as effective as possible. Have a listen! Selected show links: Games we’re … Continue reading

Episode 56 – The Shame Game

Do you want to overlay the world or replace it? This is the question that your friendly co-hosts discuss as we learn that Oculus Rift has gotten a new CTO. Do you want to augment your face with constant data and insights? What layer of the world are you watching? Were the Vapors prescient in the their lyrics for “Turning Japanese?” Phaedra then gives us insights in the minds of finding a good sale. Is this the ultimate game for some? How viscerally do you play your savings game? Is it fun to save your business money by playing the … Continue reading

Episode 45 – Googlely Fun

Michael, Michael, and Phaedra get back together for an exciting show all about the latest games related to Google Glass, and while we are at it we talk about the incredible Google IO Keynote and Larry Page’s triumphant return to the stage. Google comes out swinging at this year’s Google IO conference, talking about openness, games, education, and it’s all available on Google Island. If you’ve not seen it, watch it here: After talking about 3D printing the other week, we discover even more craziness with a high capacity assault weapons now available from your nearest 3D Printer, and While … Continue reading

Episode 43 – Snakes on a Game

Michael M and Phaedra discuss San Francisco Gamification Summit, the ModSim conference in Virginia and touch on gamification, loyalty, collaboration, wearable computing, ethics and much more. Rajat Paharia’s keynote from the Gamification Summit sparks some interesting thoughts on Loyalty 3.0 — not just to products and services, but also to missions and organizations.  Harley Davidson is often cited as an example of customer loyalty and the ecosystem/community that surrounds a product, service, or in the case of HD, the lifestyle.  It will be interesting to see how games build loyalty. Michael and Phadera riff on the idea for how gamification … Continue reading