e446 — Laser Light Show

green lasers shining across the lake and through the trees at the Chicago Botanic Gardens #LightScapeChicago

Stories about human-computer interactions with lasers, lights & LLMs. Creating universes from LLM prompts, disintermediating Craigslist fediverse-style and musings on MarketPub creating a fediverse of marketplaces. and… Vintage Vinyl Continue reading

e444 — Glitch in the Matrix

technical difficulties! a glitch. or a rug. or a badly tuned TV.

Data privacy in trains & cars, data visualizations of time traveling toads, infinite flowers and LLMs, Kiss immortal avatars & augmented reality architectural history. Continue reading

e443 — In the Stone

stone chimney, Pisgah National Forest, NC

Stories about #AI, #LLMs, #3DPrinting houses and walls, #RetroGaming with #Whisky, #Wine and Cheese. Continue reading

e429 — Promptly Engineering

computer keyboard

Stories about #metaverse, #AI #LLM #summarization #algorithms #PromptEngineering #licensing #Kaedim #Feather #PinkFloyd #VanessaCarlton and much more! Continue reading