Episode 344 – Car Play Diem

toy car

Seizing the day with multiple reboots, including the metaverse, Meta, Mercedes, Macs, and even Babylon 5. Continue reading

Episode 224 – Road to Nowhere

After a couple of follow up articles from last week’s show with Michael R & Ian on the Unity & AR headset front, Michael and Michael launch into the world of stationary bikes and how virtual reality is augmenting the exercise experience.  Penn & Teller’s Desert Bus resurfaces after the team talk about a Roller Coaster Tycoon custom build that takes 12 years to ride. The co-hosts take a look at Bjørn Karmann’s intriguing post about #ProjectAlias, a mod that allows users to craft a custom wake-word for their smart speaker using a raspberry pi. Rounding out this week’s episode … Continue reading

Episode 183 – Enhanced Reality

Michael & Michael talk about the promise of bots who listen into meetings, take notes & action items on your behalf, entering them into your tool of choice for follow up.  Talk about the power of the pen — and quite a step up from “Alexa, add eggs to my grocery list”. Michael R brings up the fact that we’re still in a generation 1.1 world when it comes to AR — really in the beginning stages.  Starting point will be in enterprise and entertainment before AR applications begin to really show up outside of these areas. Intriguing question:  are … Continue reading