Episode 327 — Virtually Athletic

Draw Something gameplay dragon

Virtual taekwando sparring, AI painting, LEGO brick finding & building, flying cars and cloud gaming Continue reading

Episode 320 — Artificial Oblique Hums

Berlin city street

Space, the current frontier, AirTags, AI convolutional networks improving game photorealism, explosive hypersonic propulsion, the Infinite Improbability Drive and a bevy of games. Continue reading

Episode 317 — Tags to the Future

four tags

Impact of video calls, macOS on iPad, AirTags much more than finding things, terrestrial and extraterrestrial bots and their LEGO models, Ted Lasso Continue reading

Episode 316 — Omni Metaverse

futuristic mixed reality scene

3D printing, Metaverse & Omniverse platforms, lightsabers, Mercedes EQS and code for NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter. Continue reading