Episode 159 – Virtually Secure

Michael R and Michael M, go deep on virtual assistants and the security storm around WhatsApp in the news recently. We also look at how an old virtual world shopping experience may be coming to life in virtual reality. The duo start with the Facebook/Oculus tour of the White House and think about whether movies and television shows have the layout and rooms of the building right.  Michael and Michael quickly then turn to Amazon’s focus on virtual reality shopping experiences stemming from articles from TechCrunch and Variety.  Michael R shares his experiences in developing just this kind of experience … Continue reading

Episode 105 – Glad to be of Service

Phaedra and Michael M start off the year talking about InterConnect 2015, where Phaedra will be on the main stage speaking about the power of games.  Continuing on into how the card game for Rejection Therapy operates, a couple of throwback shows from Ross Smith’s experiences with personification of water coolers and buildings at Microsoft and David Szilagy’s & Balás Vedres experiences with Gravitent are recalled. The concept of how brands such as @AmericanAir have a personality based on on the way that people interact with them, or in Ross’ case, how people at Microsoft interacted with a water cooler … Continue reading