Episode 184 – Floating Krack

Excited to play around at #AWE2017 #icaros I‘m next 🙂 pic.twitter.com/rwV8BQflUs — Guido Gleinser (@Guuuuugl) October 19, 2017 From @guuuuugl’s ICAROS tweet from #AWE2017 Recording on a crisp October day, Michael and Michael start off this episode with the ICAROS virtual reality fitness rig @epredator shared from his experience at Augmented World Expo #AWE2017. The pair continue their mixed reality discussion with a thought experiment on Tinder prompted by an iMore article on the best AR experiences for social media. Michael R shares his understanding of a vulnerability in the WPA security profile stack known as Krack.  The net is, … Continue reading

Expanding our Format

We are looking to expand the topics for the podcast, and would like your feedback. As a loyal listener, please drop us a note at our email address (or comment on this post, or hit us up on twitter, facebook, or tumblr.) While there are a ton of good tech news podcasts and games podcasts, we are thinking that our love for general tech and games, could be included in this podcast, without requiring a tie to Gamification. What do you think? Are there other topics you’d like us to expand too? We’d value and appretiate your feedback soon so … Continue reading