e470 — Two Marvelous Mini-Brains

3D printed brain with bunny from Spamalot in background

AI threads through a set of old and new games that span text based adventures from Infocom’s HHG2G to recent examples like Milton is Trapped, along with a conversation on FinalSpark’s Neuroplatform for biocomputing. Continue reading

e457 — It Looks Like You’re Recording a Podcast…!

11 pink paperclips arranged in a circle

Anthropic’s AI needle in a haystack test, MicrosoftClippy, Microsoft Bob, Dune and Matrix inspired user experiences and much more Continue reading

e447 — 23 and Games

Dungeons & Dragons adventure characters generated via DiffusionBee

Published 1 January 2024 Andy and Michael R are back while Michael M is away – and have a fantastic show on the DNA of 2023 in games. This episode starts with a stroll down the beginnings of Dungeons and Dragons, with Michael R sharing a couple of links from the Internet Archive.  He found a veritable treasure trove of documents, rulebooks and more.  A couple of which are in the show notes below.  Michael R noted that AD&D was not only about dungeons and dragons, with the same rules and mechanics applied to other sci-fi genres.  An additional example … Continue reading

e377 — Stray Cat Strut

It’s all about feline fun with #Stray; wearables, but maybe not for extreme weather (?); retail crossovers from physical to virtual and back again; and, upcoming movies and TV shows we’re excited about. Your weekly tech and geek news right here! Continue reading