e506 — Make Me A PowerPoint

screen capture of a presentation agenda with a phot of a painting of a mountain

e506 with Andy and Michael M – stories and discussion on the attention economy, focus, pirated data used in training LLMs, snarky software and much more. Continue reading

Episode 341 – Speeding into Gaming

(C) Michael Rowe - Released as Creative Commons - Attriibution

10 year anniversary of the passing of Steve Jobs, possibility of a national speed limit on the autobahn and deep discussion on gaming. Continue reading

Episode 335 — Horsing Around

carousel horses

Horses in games, HUD swim goggles, newest Gartner hype cycle, Jolla, a signature that’s not an autograph, and NC barbecue. Continue reading

Episode 312 — Non-Fungible Token Slugs

sea slug Chromodoris magnifica

chock full of robots, books, movies and non-fungible memories, slugs & tokens. 3D home printing, PalmOS Twitter app, biological regeneration Continue reading