Episode 327 — Virtually Athletic

Draw Something gameplay dragon

Virtual taekwando sparring, AI painting, LEGO brick finding & building, flying cars and cloud gaming Continue reading

Episode 326 — 11 Hot Dawgs

11 hot dogs

Microsoft’s Windows 11, UGA podcasters, remote controlling thermostats, tiny urban forests, concerts in Sims & Fortnite, Mountain Dew and #LEGOcon Continue reading

Episode 325 — Talking Heads

Games At Work cohosts talking heads

WWDC21 in review, code documentation, lossless & spatial audio, AR autos, VR ads, Windows 10 (& 11), Flight Simulator buzzing the LEGO House in Billund. Continue reading

Episode 320 — Artificial Oblique Hums

Berlin city street

Space, the current frontier, AirTags, AI convolutional networks improving game photorealism, explosive hypersonic propulsion, the Infinite Improbability Drive and a bevy of games. Continue reading