e388 – Does the metaverse have legs?

legs and feet

Stepping through #metaverse news from Meta Connect, stories about Walmart Land in Roblox, new cloud gaming Chromebooks and the #JWST in VR & LEGO form. Continue reading

Episode 352 — Looking Forward, Looking Back

looking out to the future, using something from the past

Innovations from #CES2022: @BMW iX Flow, tmsuk’s Pedia_Roid, GAF Energy’s Timberline Solar, @owogameofficial OWOGame, @yukaikk AMAGAMI HAM HAM. multiple retail metaverse examples, @GameStop #NFT & @_phzn speech to text wearable. Continue reading

Episode 301 — Grinch Bots

green frowny faced robot

Retailers defend against Grinch Bots, Apple’s new AirPods Max & Fitness+, Pico-8 Doom (Poom), quantum chess and AR Grogu. Continue reading

Episode 228 – Dragons and Light Sabers

Billboard advertising Hungarian Fencing from 2013

You can wield a lightsaber, just like in the movies with the French Fencing Federation, play VR music games, or plan your surgery with AR. Or, step into Store No. 8 to experience the How to Train Your Dragon world. Continue reading