Episode 358 – Metaversing

Opus the penguin, holding a tuba mouthpiece

Metaverse as a product? As a place? Or a moment? Life logging & open source software escrow as a means of historical preservation. @onepeloton’s #Lanebreak. And a dose of heavy metal tuba from Deathtöngue’s Bill the Cat & Opus Croakus. Rock on with @andypiper @michaelrowe01 & @carolinabigblue Continue reading

Episode 187 – Bionic Eye

On an unseasonably warm Friday, Michael & Michael get together to discuss a sports to business application of virtual reality, that of training retail store employees to prepare for the oncoming rush of bargain hunters on Black Friday instead of the rush of oncoming defensive backs. A favorite topic of ours — augmented reality use methods — resurfaces in this episode, this time prompted by the recent Apple acquisition of a Canadian AR company called VRVANA, which leads to a conversation about miniaturization of this technology, ultimately embedding into bionic contact lenses, or even a potential direct optic nerve connection.  … Continue reading