e455 — Star Trek vs. Douglas Adams

the number 42 attached to a wall. Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

An episode focused on Science Fiction leading to Innovative Science Fact! Star Trek and Douglas Adams inspired technology, AI, games, XR and spatial computing. Glad to be of service! Continue reading

e439 — Nuts About Sound

Walnuts, some whole, some cracked open.

AI topics on safety, transparency & generated content, VR & MR/XR stories on making music with virtual instruments, cracking walnuts & bitcoin wallets & more! Continue reading

e395 — Breaking Reality

engravings of quantum discoveries with their respective dates and scientists

@evertp ’s port of #Neko, #quantum #wormhole experiment at @CalTech, COTS & AI onboard @NASAArtemis, @epredator ’s #GPT3 #Blackadder sketch, @UnrealEngine #RealityScan & #xrOS Continue reading

Episode 358 – Metaversing

Opus the penguin, holding a tuba mouthpiece

Metaverse as a product? As a place? Or a moment? Life logging & open source software escrow as a means of historical preservation. @onepeloton’s #Lanebreak. And a dose of heavy metal tuba from Deathtöngue’s Bill the Cat & Opus Croakus. Rock on with @andypiper @michaelrowe01 & @carolinabigblue Continue reading